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Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street

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Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street Empty Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street

Created by Cyberimp666 on May 4th, 2009.


Opening Logfile #331 of Cyberimp666
Dated May 5, 2009 at 12:50 A.M.

Ah yes, april 1st, the best day to pull pranks and get away with it. There were many pranks done this day, such as clans R and DE merging together. However, almost all of these 'pranks' were completely obvious, and easily detectable.

There was a time around a month eariler, where plans were made to 'disband' the clan for the day. However, it would be too obvious. It wasn't an easy trick to do, so we had to decide how we could pull this off.

The plans started a week before april 1st, with many members gathering on msn to discuss ideas. Many ideas were shared, and in the end, it was decided to start 2 days ahead of time, and to carry out plans on March 30th. We had planned basic plans, that Totengott and Doomfiend would leave the clan for "the clan not being the same" as well as some 'secrets' that they knew about some members in the clan. This day was simple, no real flamefests were needed, and our inactivity at the moment helped dwindle the current member count to be quite low. At the end of the afternoon, we discussed how tomorrow would play out. This would be the true showdown, and how we played it out would determine if our 'disbanding' would seem real, or play as a joke.

The next night, March 31st, is where it all came down. The whole convo was set in IRC, with all of us chatting in MSN in case we ended up with blank thoughts and the such. The current conversation takes place on the incident that had happened.

Please note that none of the attacks towards eachother were taken seriously, and no PRO was harmed mentally in the incident. However, some comments may be, and some comments are true, but still have no affect on how we laughed our asses off after this was all finished.

18:37 NzO has joined #[pro]
18:37 <Totengott> who said i was going to join sniper? i don't know any of those guys
18:37 * Voicing NzO
18:37 Mode change [+v NzO] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
18:37 <Totengott> well anything is better than pro
18:37 <Aerial> lol
18:37 <Aerial> sniper > pro
18:37 <Cyberimp666> psh
18:37 <Aerial> !
18:37 <BadLag> But... But... After all the good times we've shared, how can you leave me for KEO! D:
18:37 <NzO> is anyone else getting this [K+] banned kinda shit from dalnet?
18:38 <NzO> or is it just me
18:38 <Totengott> just you
18:38 MP2E has joined #[pro]
18:38 <Cyberimp666> just you perhaps
18:38 <Aerial> lol
18:38 * Voicing MP2E
18:38 Mode change [+v MP2E] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
18:38 <NzO> dalnet is gay
18:38 Mode change [+v MP2E] on #[PRO] by BadLag
18:38 <NzO> GAY I SAY
18:38 <Cyberimp666> like you
18:38 <Aerial> XD
18:38 <Cyberimp666> nub
18:38 <NzO> orly?
18:38 <MP2E> NO YOU
18:38 <Cyberimp666> mhm
18:38 <BadLag> NzO wishes Dalnet was gay
18:38 <MP2E> !!!
18:38 <MP2E> it is
18:38 <Aerial> <NzO> I am gay for BadLag!!
18:38 <Aerial> o shi-!
18:38 <MP2E> oftc > *
18:38 <Cyberimp666> <Totengott> well anything is better than pro -- don't be hatin now
18:38 <MP2E>
18:38 <BadLag> D: *Shudders*
18:38 <Cyberimp666> OMGOMGOMG FOODS HERE
18:38 <Cyberimp666> brb
18:38 <NzO> badlag you wish i were gay cuz i get more attention from heather than you do
18:39 <MP2E> McDonalds is better than pro
18:39 <Aerial> lol nzo o.o
18:39 <MP2E> rofl
18:39 <Aerial> pro > r
18:39 <Aerial> nub
18:39 <Aerial>
18:39 <Totengott> anything is better than pro, unless you leave
18:39 <MP2E>
18:39 <MP2E> <P[R]O>
18:39 <NzO> leaving pro > Pro
18:39 <Totengott> "zomg im james and im teh fucking leader, lololol"
18:39 <Totengott> seriously, im fucking done with you
18:39 <NzO> yeah
18:39 <NzO> me to
18:39 <ARG_Vegeta> ?
18:39 <MP2E> let's make MP clan
18:39 <Aerial> lol totengott
18:39 <Aerial> then leave
18:39 <Totengott> i already did
18:40 <ARG_Vegeta> chill out guys
18:40 <MP2E> what
18:40 <Aerial> leave the irc
18:40 <BadLag> I like how MP2E keeps talking about his clanmates, in-game, as though it's his personal accomplishment
18:40 <Aerial> nub
18:40 <Totengott> stupid blondie
18:40 <Aerial> !
18:40 Odysseus_ has joined #[PRO]
18:40 <Aerial> lol
18:40 <MP2E> what
18:40 <MP2E> BadLag what
18:40 <Totengott> i have all the right to be here
18:40 Mode change [+v Odysseus_] on #[PRO] by BadLag
18:40 <NzO> i dont even know how i stayed pro for as long as i did
18:40 <MP2E> i'm talking about mp clan man
18:40 <Aerial> well
18:40 <MP2E> not R
18:40 <Aerial> XD
18:40 <MP2E> screw R
18:40 <Aerial> oo
18:40 <NzO> screw pro
18:40 <MP2E> screw me
18:40 <MP2E> plz
18:40 <NzO> k
18:40 <Totengott> mp2e = you better stay on R
18:40 <NzO>
18:40 <MP2E>
18:40 <Totengott> rather than joining pro
18:40 <Aerial> nzo is mp3e me thinks
18:40 <ARG_Vegeta> btw
18:40 * NzO screws cray
18:40 <Aerial> remember that dumb shit
18:40 <Aerial> lol
18:40 <NzO> O/
18:41 <MP2E> What's wrong buddy
18:41 <MP2E> Toten you ok dude
18:41 <MP2E> \O
18:41 <Totengott> O/
18:41 <BadLag> Hah, of Boj were here, we could triple-data
18:41 <NzO> \O/
18:41 <ARG_Vegeta> next time you use my name I want you to add the word "great" right before using it
18:41 <BadLag> Me+Aerial, Ody+Boj, and MP2E+NzO
18:41 <Aerial> o.o
18:41 <BadLag> Okay, Great Veg
18:41 <Aerial> no
18:41 <ARG_Vegeta> jaja
18:41 <Aerial> me + james
18:41 <BadLag> Date*
18:41 <NzO> you mean you and your router
18:41 <Aerial> <3
18:41 <Aerial> lol
18:41 <MP2E> Great Vegeta
18:41 <BadLag> D:
18:41 <MP2E> Big bang attack
18:41 Odysseus_ has left #[PRO]
18:41 <MP2E> !!!
18:42 <ARG_Vegeta> what happened here?
18:42 <MP2E> I know
18:42 <MP2E> I don't know what's goign on
18:42 <MP2E> I just see hatin towards pro
18:42 <ARG_Vegeta> nzo and toten were one of the most loyal pros
18:42 <MP2E> this upsets me
18:42 <MP2E> ^^^
18:43 <BadLag> Two of the most loyal*
18:43 <MP2E> They wre
18:43 <Totengott> james believe he's the leader
18:43 <Totengott> im fucking tired of that
18:43 <BadLag> Actually, I always considered Veg and Cimm to be -THE- <PRO> members
18:43 <MP2E> <Shakal> "He prefers the company of other men."
18:43 <MP2E> <Shakal> "Who doesnt!?"
18:43 <Totengott> also pro is always innactive
18:43 <BadLag> Great Veg*
18:43 <ARG_Vegeta> jaja
18:43 <ARG_Vegeta> forget that j/k
18:43 <NzO> pro should fuckin die
18:44 <ARG_Vegeta> ..
18:44 <NzO> you guys dont have jack shit anymore
18:44 <ARG_Vegeta> lol, why?
18:44 <ARG_Vegeta> what's jack shit?
18:44 <MP2E> NzO man, your poll's results just came in btw
18:44 <MP2E> you got 5 yes's for R
18:44 <TheBandit> cyberimp666, the scrim on ZD didn't go to well
18:44 <NzO> all the fun died that made the clan great
18:44 <MP2E> you're indude
18:44 <BadLag> Declarations of enmity, like that, usually stem from intimidation
18:44 <NzO> seriously?
18:44 <MP2E> ya
18:44 <NzO> so im in R?
18:44 <MP2E> ya
18:44 <NzO> OMG
18:44 <NzO> how the fuck did that happen rofl
18:44 <MP2E> <Caboose> NzO is a cool fuck man...
18:45 <TheBandit> wait what? coming from the dude who didn't want to represent anything
18:45 <NzO> O/
18:45 <TheBandit> o.0
18:45 <MP2E> \O
18:45 <Aerial> lol
18:45 <NzO> im a cool fuck
18:45 <NzO> lmao
18:46 <Aerial> i disagree D:!
18:46 <Aerial> lol
18:46 * BadLag holds Aerial's hand
18:46 <BadLag>
18:46 <Aerial>
18:46 <NzO> this is awesome
18:46 <NzO> we are gonna rape in R mp :>
18:46 <MP2E> holy shit
18:46 <Cyberimp666> is back
18:46 <MP2E> ya
18:46 <Totengott> gtfo
18:46 <Cyberimp666> mmm burgers
18:46 <Cyberimp666> n no
18:46 <Cyberimp666> i have burgers
18:46 <Cyberimp666> and you can't ruin them
18:46 <NzO> james guess what?
18:46 <BadLag> I say NzO won't last a week
18:47 <Cyberimp666> wat
18:47 <BadLag> I have burgers, too (dinner )

Posts : 629
Join date : 2010-03-20
Age : 34
Location : Denver Colorado 303 YEAAAAA


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Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street :: Comments


Post 22nd March 2010, 12:17 am by Cyberimp666

18:47 <NzO> im in a way better clan than your piece of shit pro clan
18:47 <Aerial> lol
18:47 <Cyberimp666> oh ?
18:47 <NzO> i joined R bitch
18:47 <MP2E> super training
18:47 <Cyberimp666> kudos
18:47 <Aerial> o noez now nzo is going to turn into a arrogant faggot to
18:47 <Aerial> woo
18:47 <Cyberimp666> ruin, what?
18:47 <BadLag> LOL
18:47 <TheBandit> sweet, nzo gets to be ros's bitch too
18:47 <NzO> you would know heather
18:47 <Aerial> lol
18:47 <Aerial> yes cause i act like im so great
18:48 <Aerial> am i right?
18:48 <TheBandit> that means mp might have to work for his bitch spot
18:48 <MP2E> ya nzo might get me kicked man
18:48 <NzO> cuz you act like a dog pork on her period
18:48 <BadLag> The difference, Aerial, is you have cause to feel like that ;P
18:48 <Aerial> lol
18:48 <Cyberimp666> 18:44 <TheBandit> cyberimp666, the scrim on ZD didn't go to well -- how bad was it
18:48 <TheBandit> 5-0'd
18:48 <TheBandit> 4 games
18:48 <Cyberimp666> damn
18:48 <Cyberimp666> who played
18:48 <BadLag> Ouch
18:48 <TheBandit> fiend and myself
18:48 <NzO> <BadLag> The difference, Aerial, is you have cause to feel like that ;P
18:48 <NzO> asskisser
18:48 <Cyberimp666> mmm
18:49 <BadLag> I'd rather not use that term
18:49 <BadLag> It'd give Aerial some uncouth ideas <.< >.>
18:49 <NzO> !!
18:50 <NzO> oh yeah
18:50 <NzO> james
18:50 <Cyberimp666> hm
18:50 <NzO> i always thought you were a cocksucker
18:50 <NzO> sucking cimms cock
18:50 <Cyberimp666> if that is true then you were just as bad
18:50 <BadLag> NzO, if you keep going, you'll look amazingly insecure
18:50 <Aerial> cause he is
18:50 <BadLag> As opposed to just very insecure
18:50 <TheBandit> he is
18:50 <Aerial>
18:50 <TheBandit> in his pen0r
18:50 <BadLag> Lol
18:50 <TheBandit> must be very small
18:50 <Aerial> he is cause hes fat and nobody loves him!
18:50 <Aerial> !
18:51 <NzO> <BadLag> NzO, if you keep going, you'll look amazingly insecure
18:51 <NzO> stfu queer
18:51 <TheBandit> women need gps to find it
18:51 <Aerial> lol
18:51 <Cyberimp666> hmm
18:51 <Cyberimp666> so ruin
18:51 <TheBandit> ?
18:51 <Cyberimp666> that scrim, what do you think
18:51 <BadLag> NzO, if I'm queer, how come I have an e-girlfriend and you don't? ;P
18:51 <TheBandit> What do I think?
18:51 <Cyberimp666> mhm
18:51 <TheBandit> they were hacking
18:51 <NzO> because id rather not stick my dick in a router
18:51 <TheBandit> so bad
18:51 <TheBandit> I had to rage quit
18:52 <Cyberimp666> mmm
18:52 <TheBandit> like...wtf, i couldn't hit anything
18:52 <BadLag> (For the record, I live out in the middle of nowhere. The nearest girl my age is a half-hour drive away and I really can't stand her XD)
18:52 <TheBandit> i was getting plastered
18:52 <TheBandit> fiend was no fucking help
18:52 <Totengott> <NzO> because id rather not stick my dick in a router --> rofl pwnd
18:52 <NzO> O/
18:52 <MP2E> ROFL
18:52 <Cyberimp666> it was that bad huh
18:52 <TheBandit> yeah
18:53 <TheBandit> pretty bad..
18:53 <Cyberimp666> still shouldn't of ragequitted though, kinda makes us look worse
18:53 <BadLag> I prefer to insult people without resorting to vulgarities, using words they don't exactly understand
18:53 <ARG_Vegeta> I'd like to know how Paladin should moderate this
18:53 <TheBandit> couldn't help it
18:53 <TheBandit> was so frustrated
18:53 <Cyberimp666> eh, it happens
18:53 <Aerial> thebandit
18:53 <BadLag> Man, I haven't seen Paladin in ages
18:53 <Aerial> if you had me with you
18:53 <BadLag> That guy's so cool
18:53 <Aerial> you woulda won!
18:53 <Aerial> !
18:53 <MP2E> Dude
18:53 <Aerial> lol
18:53 <MP2E> I forgot about Pally
18:53 <MP2E> I haven't seen that guy in like
18:53 <MP2E> a year
18:53 <MP2E> DAMN
18:54 <BadLag> Because 3v2 is better than 2v2
18:54 <BadLag> (And, also, Aerial friggin' owns)
18:54 <MP2E> 2vs7 : WIN
18:54 <NzO> aerials a fuckin pork dude
18:54 <Totengott> you fail ghastly
18:54 <MP2E> they owned EWZ 999 -0
18:54 <NzO> i have no idea why you love a dog pork so much
18:54 <NzO> like do you find that shit attractive?
18:54 <NzO> like srsly?
18:54 <BadLag> No
18:54 <Totengott> i agree with nzo
18:54 <Aerial> lol
18:55 <Aerial> nzo says i suck
18:55 <Aerial> coming from nzo thats funny
18:55 <Aerial> XD
18:55 <BadLag> Has he ever beaten you at anything?
18:55 <NzO> you do suck
18:55 <Aerial> better then you are
18:55 <NzO> you suck A LOT of things
18:55 <BadLag> He's only ever seen you beaten by players he certainly can't beat
18:55 <NzO> yeah you are
18:55 <NzO> <Aerial> better then you are
18:55 <NzO> im sure you are
18:56 <BadLag> 21:03 <NzO> <Aerial> better then you are
18:56 <BadLag> 21:03 <NzO> im sure you are
18:56 <BadLag> He said it!
18:56 <BadLag> Nothing will wipe that away, he said it!
18:56 <BadLag>
18:56 <Cyberimp666> lol pork
18:56 <NzO> <NzO> you do suck
18:56 <NzO> <NzO> you suck A LOT of things
18:56 <NzO> <Aerial> better then you are
18:56 <NzO> read dumbass
18:56 <TheBandit> ooooo shit
18:56 <MP2E> whew
18:56 <MP2E> this is making me sweaty
18:56 <NzO> it aint like shes going to suck you off either fag
18:57 <MP2E> i can feel the heat off my monitor
18:57 <BadLag> I wouldn't ask her to
18:57 <BadLag> I'm not that kinky
18:57 <NzO> wow
18:57 <NzO> so you admit you dont like getting your dick sucked
18:57 <Cyberimp666> alright calm down you 2
18:57 <NzO> i knew you were fucking gay
18:57 <BadLag> Kinky =/= straight
18:58 <Cyberimp666> kinky = gay ?
18:58 <TheBandit> yes
18:58 <NzO> getting your dick sucked is far from kinky
18:58 <ARG_Vegeta> kinky = kirby?
18:58 <NzO> its called oral sex
18:58 <MP2E> Lol
18:58 <TheBandit> its called a vacuum cleaner
18:58 <MP2E> Vegeta wins
18:58 <NzO> but you wouldnt know that huh?
18:58 <Aerial> nzo im sure you know from sucking your father off
18:58 <MP2E> err
18:58 <Aerial>
18:58 <MP2E> Great Vegeta wins
18:58 <ARG_Vegeta> jaja
18:58 <NzO> <Aerial> nzo im sure you know from sucking your father off
18:58 <NzO> thats great
18:58 <MP2E> I know how to suck off a cucumber
18:58 <MP2E> does that count
18:59 Mode change [-v NzO] on #[PRO] by BadLag
18:59 <BadLag> NzO, my sexuality is not nearly your concern
18:59 <Totengott> fuck you ghastly
18:59 <BadLag> Keep talking about it, I'll kick
18:59 Mode change [+v NzO] on #[PRO] by BadLag
18:59 <Totengott> orly?
18:59 <Totengott> who do you think you are?
18:59 <BadLag> Channel ops
18:59 <Totengott> you're just a scum that barely plays
18:59 <BadLag> You?
18:59 <Totengott> go suck tormentor's dick
18:59 <TheBandit> oh snap
18:59 <BadLag> And when I do play, I do damn well
18:59 <Totengott> with your gay mods
19:00 <TheBandit> toten bringing the shit
19:00 <Cyberimp666> ok this is getting out of hand
19:00 * Devoicing Totengott
19:00 Mode change [-v Totengott] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:00 * Devoicing NzO
19:00 Mode change [-v NzO] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:00 <Cyberimp666> timeout you 2
19:00 <BadLag> I want it on record that I haven't actively been insulting for several minutes, and even then I was just joking
19:00 Mode change [-o Cyberimp666] on #[PRO] by TheBandit
19:00 Mode change [+o Cyberimp666] on #[PRO] by ChanServ
19:00 <Cyberimp666> what was that for
19:01 <TheBandit> reasons
19:01 <Cyberimp666> mm
19:01 Mode change [+vv NzO Totengott] on #[PRO] by TheBandit
19:01 <NzO> O/
19:01 <Totengott> SPAM!
19:01 <TheBandit> Things that have been brought to my attention kind of reasons
19:01 <Cyberimp666> like
19:02 <TheBandit> heh, do we have to discuss it here?
19:02 <TheBandit> well
19:02 <Totengott> like you fucking failing
19:02 <TheBandit> i should
19:02 <Totengott> "leader"
19:02 <TheBandit> that would let everyone know
19:02 <Cyberimp666> ?
19:02 <TheBandit> I agree with toten
19:02 <Cyberimp666> explain
19:02 <TheBandit> the proctf
19:02 <TheBandit> you baby sit us
19:02 <Cyberimp666> how
19:02 <TheBandit> i could have sworn pro was a democracy
19:02 <Totengott> seriously this was a "friends" democracy
19:03 <BadLag> Mindless democracy gets nowhere. That's why we elect leaders
19:03 <ARG_Vegeta> is there anyone with a cat and pics of it?
19:03 <TheBandit> So what if fiend wants to use mp3's
19:03 <TheBandit> it was his project to begin with
19:03 <MP2E> I haven't been spamming
19:03 <MP2E>
19:03 <MP2E> \o
19:03 <NzO> O/
19:03 <Totengott> O7
19:03 <TheBandit> "oh no, we can't do that because of the file size"
19:03 <NzO> :>
19:03 <NzO> yeah i remember that shit
19:03 <Totengott> yeah, you're doing what you want with it
19:03 <BadLag> NzO != not MP2E's bitch
19:03 <TheBandit> Or that scrim we had with R before MP joing

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:17 am by Cyberimp666

19:03 <MP2E> What
19:04 <Cyberimp666> if you want a wad thats 100MB like extremeinv fine
19:04 <MP2E> How did he force you into that?
19:04 <NzO> you were bitching about shit that ruin and tot had done alot of fucking work for
19:04 <MP2E> You can say no
19:04 <TheBandit> You got all super pissed because we didn't do as good as YOU wanted
19:04 <NzO> and you said no to alot of that stuff
19:04 <MP2E> You can say no to scrims
19:04 <MP2E> heh
19:04 <NzO> :>
19:04 <MP2E> Oh I see
19:04 <MP2E> You guys did fine
19:04 <MP2E> heh
19:04 <Cyberimp666> they coulda did better
19:04 <TheBandit> mp2e, the big boys are talking
19:04 <MP2E>
19:04 <MP2E> kk daddy
19:04 <NzO> like your shit maps james?
19:04 <Cyberimp666> instead we ended up raped
19:04 * MP2E waits in the sporker
19:04 <Cyberimp666> badly
19:04 * TheBandit tosses tinker toys
19:04 <NzO> your rip off maps?
19:04 <Cyberimp666> better than anything you can make
19:04 <TheBandit> oh yeah, your map
19:05 <Aerial> coming from nzo who couldnt even rip a sprite
19:05 <NzO> please
19:05 <Aerial> lol XD
19:05 <TheBandit> so creative to base it off a map in stctf
19:05 <TheBandit> wtf is that
19:05 <Totengott> and you?, you can even make your own sprites, heather
19:05 <Totengott> can't*
19:05 <NzO> gee so i gotta be a mapper to say a map sucks right?
19:05 <NzO> well heather
19:05 <BadLag> "<Cyberimp666> better than anything you can make" Anyone who wants to disprove this:
19:05 <NzO> lemme see
19:05 <BadLag> http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=20949 Sign up
19:05 <TheBandit> hurr hurr hurr, look at me i'm James and my shit doesn't stink"
19:05 <NzO> i made a line in doombuilder
19:05 <NzO> IM A MAPPER
19:05 <NzO> HAHA
19:05 <NzO> outbreak, now that was some funny ass shit
19:05 <Aerial> like i care?
19:05 <Totengott> nzo's line is better than james' ripoff map
19:06 ClonedPickle has joined #[pro]
19:06 <MP2E> +v
19:06 <NzO> ^
19:06 <BadLag> Uh oh, real channel ops
19:06 <Aerial> nzo cant do shit
19:06 Mode change [+v ClonedPickle] on #[PRO] by BadLag
19:06 <Aerial> lol
19:06 <Cyberimp666> ya know what
19:06 <Cyberimp666> fuck it
19:06 <NzO> lul, you should just shut up heather
19:06 * Attempting to deop TheBandit
19:06 Mode change [-o TheBandit] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:06 <Aerial> also totengott your maps suck ass too
19:06 <NzO> you cant come up with shit to insult me with
19:06 <Aerial> they play like shit
19:06 <MP2E> Heh
19:06 <Totengott> orly?
19:06 <Aerial> yes
19:06 <Cyberimp666> its obvious you don't want to be here
19:06 * Voicing TheBandit
19:06 Mode change [+v TheBandit] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:06 <Cyberimp666> so leave
19:06 <BadLag> Has nzy even made a map?
19:06 <Totengott> do you think i was going to put effort on that shit project of yours?
19:07 <Aerial> lol
19:07 <TheBandit> at least you got the balls to voice me
19:07 <NzO> ^
19:07 <ClonedPickle> THE BALLS
19:07 <Cyberimp666> i'm not going to ban
19:07 <Aerial> +o aerial cause shes awsome
19:07 <Aerial> !
19:07 <Totengott> check out my retro jump maze it beats any map by you in terms of detail and gameplay
19:07 <Cyberimp666> this amuses me
19:07 <Totengott> so fuck off
19:07 <ClonedPickle> so I'm late to the party apparently, what's going on
19:07 <MP2E> Haha cloned
19:07 <Aerial> o wow
19:07 <MP2E> what did I tell ya
19:07 <MP2E>
19:07 <TheBandit> that's fine, I don't need your shitty clan anyway.
19:07 <MP2E> Super shit storm
19:07 <Aerial> you made a map thats never played
19:07 <Aerial> good for you
19:07 <Cyberimp666> Cloned, recommend you leave, this is getting ugly
19:07 <TheBandit> No
19:07 <TheBandit> let him stay
19:07 <ClonedPickle> nah man, that's when it gets good
19:07 <MP2E> James isn't suggesting to kick him
19:07 <TheBandit> and spread the word of your shit leadership skills
19:07 <Aerial> lol
19:07 <ClonedPickle> I'll be quiet though
19:07 <MP2E> he just said..
19:07 <Totengott> stay and see the true james
19:08 <Totengott> fucking betrayer
19:08 <TheBandit> Dictatorship*
19:08 <TheBandit> sorry
19:08 <BadLag> Long story short, NzO tried porking me, Toten tried porking me, Bandit's trying to pork James, and Nzo's trying to pork Aerial
19:08 <MP2E> I support you guys, I really do, you're my friends, but I still have yet to see fault in James.
19:08 <TheBandit> no porking
19:08 <Aerial> lol
19:08 <NzO> im not trying to pork anyone dumbass
19:08 <Totengott> "oh shit im going to cry because everyone is porking me"
19:08 <Cyberimp666> MP2E -- exactly
19:08 <NzO> you guys try to insult me
19:08 <Totengott> you fail ghastly
19:08 <TheBandit> things are finally being aired out.
19:08 <NzO> so i insult back
19:08 <NzO> bitch
19:08 <Totengott> yeah
19:08 <BadLag> You fail at porking, Toten
19:08 <Cyberimp666> they are just upset cause i had better judgement
19:09 <NzO> you can shove your bullshit clan up your ass james
19:09 <Aerial> they are mad they suck and cant compete with james
19:09 <Totengott> jaja stick your judgement up your ass
19:09 <Aerial> o shi-!
19:09 <Aerial>
19:09 <Totengott> someone kick this bitch please?
19:09 <ARG_Vegeta> since when this is "James' clan"?
19:09 <BadLag> @NzO: Those mindless insults I throw out are just jokes. I don't expect you to take any offense to them
19:09 <ClonedPickle> jajajaja
19:09 <TheBandit> Why don't you just kick everyone out of pro too?
19:09 <TheBandit> since we obviously don't meet your standards
19:09 <TheBandit> well
19:09 <Totengott> indeed
19:09 <TheBandit> they
19:09 <ClonedPickle> can I get a link to a list of people in pro or something
19:09 <BadLag> @Toten: She's a lot more mild than you are, right now
19:09 <NzO> <BadLag> @NzO: Those mindless insults I throw out are just jokes. I don't expect you to take any offense to them
19:10 <NzO> sure try covering up now
19:10 <Totengott> go stick your penis into your router ghastly
19:10 <NzO> i dont believe shit you say
19:10 <Totengott> "zomg i love aerial, lololol"
19:10 <ClonedPickle> dick jokes, mature
19:10 <MP2E> indeed sir
19:10 <BadLag> Indeed, Cloned
19:11 <TheBandit> You know what, where is fiend.
19:11 <TheBandit> he needs to be here too.
19:11 <Cyberimp666> he's on msn
19:11 <BadLag> So, from this brief pause, either NzO and Toten are trying to think of a way to try to insult me, or my net's disconnecting
19:11 <ClonedPickle> Is there a reason for all this porking or did everyone in here just snap?
19:11 <BadLag> Hard to tell
19:11 <NzO> yeah get that cyclops in the fuckin room
19:11 <ClonedPickle> BadLag: haha
19:11 <BadLag> We all just snapped, I guess
19:11 <TheBandit> oh i see how it is
19:12 <TheBandit> ghastly and james are butt buddies now.
19:12 <NzO> yup
19:12 <NzO> always been
19:12 <Totengott> they may want to travel to spain and get married
19:12 <BadLag> I'd rather be 'butt buddies' with someone I agree with than try to start an argument for no reason
19:12 <TheBandit> He keeps the ones with any sort of power in the community close buy.
19:12 <Totengott> since gay marriage is legal there
19:12 <TheBandit> by*
19:13 <Cyberimp666> you would know huh
19:13 <MP2E> Lol
19:13 <TheBandit> you being in pro is pointless, mr. i play once every 6 months
19:14 <Totengott> indeed
19:14 <BadLag> I haven't seen you play Skulltag, recently, you're not one to talk
19:14 <TheBandit> I was on last night actually, if you truely paid attention
19:14 <Totengott> jajaja you're trying to compare yourself with him?
19:14 <Totengott> cmon you never play
19:14 <Aerial> im bored
19:14 <Aerial>
19:14 <Totengott> stfu
19:14 <ARG_Vegeta> www.zootubesomething
19:15 <Totengott> lol
19:15 <BadLag> XD
19:15 <MP2E> 365*
19:15 <Aerial> yes
19:15 <Aerial> best site
19:15 <Aerial> \/
19:15 <ARG_Vegeta> I have it as main page
19:15 <Aerial> o/
19:15 <ARG_Vegeta> nothing like starting the day watching a horse blowjob
19:15 <ClonedPickle>
19:16 <Aerial> im leaving pro too james
19:16 <Aerial> fack you!
19:16 <Aerial> !
19:16 <Aerial> lol
19:16 <Cyberimp666> you left too many times
19:16 <ARG_Vegeta> now seriously, I think you should talk this
19:16 <MP2E> fail
19:16 <BadLag> XD

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:18 am by Cyberimp666

19:16 <TheBandit> OOOO what a suprise
19:16 <TheBandit> leaving a clan
19:16 <Aerial> o/
19:16 <ARG_Vegeta> the clan is not going to last for long otherwise
19:16 <BadLag> @Veg: Careful with that link, Ody might ban you
19:16 <Aerial> lol
19:16 <TheBandit> fuck talking, james has this shit in his back pocket
19:16 mikehail has joined #[pro]
19:16 <TheBandit> there is no point
19:16 * Voicing mikehail
19:16 Mode change [+v mikehail] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:16 Mode change [+v mikehail] on #[PRO] by BadLag
19:16 <ARG_Vegeta> that, or we should share cool videos
19:16 <mikehail> james is king
19:16 <ARG_Vegeta> could*
19:16 <mikehail> do not sass him you fools
19:17 <TheBandit> riiiiight
19:17 <Totengott> ^
19:17 <mikehail> there is 1 reason pro is awesome and 1 reason alone
19:17 <BadLag> @Aerial: Should we give Ody a link to the R667 Beastiary? ;P
19:17 <mikehail> james is king
19:17 <TheBandit> I'm done, go jerk off to jumpmaze faggot.
19:17 TheBandit has quit IRC [Quit: Quitting]
19:17 <BadLag> Mike == ?
19:17 <Totengott> rofl
19:17 Mode change [+b TheBandit!*@*] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
19:17 <NzO> haha
19:17 <Aerial> ;o
19:17 <Cyberimp666> well he isn't coming back for a bit till he cools off
19:17 <Cyberimp666> heh
19:18 <mikehail> that is wise he sounds dumb
19:18 <Cyberimp666> well
19:18 <Cyberimp666> this sucks
19:18 <ClonedPickle> * TheBandit_ has joined #[pro]
19:18 <Cyberimp666> i don't know how it happened, but i think were gonna die
19:18 <Cyberimp666>
19:18 <ClonedPickle>
19:18 <mikehail> ;(
19:18 <BadLag> :/
19:18 <Cyberimp666> its just me ghast and hio left
19:18 <MP2E> mikehail = 1 of 3 leaders of R
19:18 <ClonedPickle> time to invite widowmaker!
19:18 <MP2E> ROFL
19:18 <Cyberimp666> oh god
19:19 <Totengott> <Cyberimp666> i don't know how it happened, but i think were gonna die --> thanks to you faggot
19:19 <BadLag> I saw this coming, I guess. Even if it dies, completely, I'll keep the tag
19:19 <ARG_Vegeta> James, I highly suggest you to calm down and drop the "I'm the boss" attitude
19:19 <BadLag> <PRO>, a year or two ago, was the clan to be
19:19 <Cyberimp666> fu tot
19:19 <ClonedPickle> Totengott: who the hell are you anyway
19:19 <Cyberimp666> you were a part of it
19:19 <Totengott> yeah, egocentric pork
19:19 <mikehail> yes james is king
19:19 <mikehail> dumb bitch
19:19 <mikehail> gtfo
19:19 <Totengott> ClonedPickle: ex pro
19:19 <MP2E> Totengott is a member of Pro
19:19 <Totengott> was
19:19 <MP2E> oh
19:19 <MP2E> ex
19:19 <MP2E> yeah
19:19 <Totengott> i was one of the first
19:19 <MP2E> >_<
19:19 <MP2E> yep
19:19 <MP2E> he's been around a long time, that toten
19:19 <MP2E>
19:19 <ClonedPickle> isn't metalhead in here too
19:20 <Totengott> inform yourself first before trying to being sarcastic, thanks
19:20 <ARG_Vegeta> actually the fourth or fifth
19:20 <MP2E> no Metalhead left
19:20 <BadLag> Though, I'm not 100% sure I'm really officially <PRO> or not
19:20 <Totengott> fourth joining pro
19:20 <MP2E> Ermm... Sarcastic?
19:20 <BadLag> I was recruited by Paladin, while he was wearing a =:F:= tag
19:20 <MP2E>
19:20 <NzO> all this flaming is giving me a hardon
19:20 <MP2E> i'm not trying to be sarcastic
19:20 <MP2E>
19:20 <Totengott> i was taking to pickle
19:20 <ARG_Vegeta> Pala is Pala
19:21 <MP2E> oh
19:21 <ARG_Vegeta> but James... is a nazi
19:21 <Aerial> dont throw me in your oven!
19:21 <Cyberimp666> if i was i'd ban you off the bat
19:21 <Totengott> jetler
19:21 <NzO> rofl
19:21 <ClonedPickle> james is a chill dude
19:21 <NzO> jitler
19:21 <BadLag> Aerial: Well, you are damn tasty ;P
19:21 <MP2E> ^^^^^
19:21 <Aerial> o.o
19:21 <MP2E> PROOOOF
19:21 <Aerial> lol
19:21 <ClonedPickle> I don't know what you all are getting your panties in a bunch about but it probably isn't worth it
19:22 <Cyberimp666> Cloned - exactly
19:22 <MP2E> Cloned : James assumed leadership over Pro
19:22 <MP2E> That's why this is going on
19:22 <mikehail> what
19:22 <mikehail> james is no nazi
19:22 <ClonedPickle> hasn't he always led pro
19:22 <mikehail> this is blasphemy
19:22 <Totengott> it was a friends democracy
19:22 <Totengott> no everyone was leader
19:22 <Totengott> like i said, democracy
19:22 <mikehail> james brings a change for the good
19:22 <Totengott> even keo was leader when he was on pro, lol
19:22 <MP2E> rofl
19:22 <ARG_Vegeta> he once started a poll on PRO forums to see if they'd start a "no jews on PRO" rule
19:22 <MP2E> though the one everybody tricked
19:22 <Totengott> <mikehail> james brings a change for the good --> yeah, making everyone leave
19:22 <ARG_Vegeta> the votes were no
19:23 <NzO> ^
19:23 <mikehail> Totengott if everybody is a dumb bitch, maybe they should leave
19:23 <Cyberimp666> you all left on your own choice
19:23 <MP2E> They are
19:23 <ARG_Vegeta> that's the part of James that most players don't know
19:23 <Cyberimp666> although ruin was an exception
19:23 <mikehail> you must cast off the dead skin to create a better clan
19:23 <MP2E> heh
19:23 <BadLag> Who the hell is Mikehail, anyway?
19:23 <MP2E> who's side are you on here mike
19:23 <MP2E> lol
19:23 <mikehail> i am on james side
19:23 <MP2E> Mikehail = 1 of the 3 R leaders
19:23 <mikehail> because he is king
19:23 <MP2E> But
19:23 <BadLag> Ah
19:23 <MP2E> he plays ZD only
19:24 <MP2E> so you wouldn't know him
19:24 <MP2E> well, he plays coop on ST
19:24 <MP2E> but that's it
19:24 <BadLag> Bleh, Survival > Coop
19:24 <MP2E> that
19:24 <MP2E> yeah
19:24 <MP2E> i usualy just put them in the same basket
19:24 <MP2E> but yeah he plays survivial
19:24 <MP2E> heh
19:24 <BadLag> That's, probably, where I recognize the screen name from
19:25 <MP2E> miekfails?
19:25 <MP2E> failz*
19:25 <MP2E> yay i distracted everyone
19:25 * MP2E pulls out a coin
19:25 <BadLag> No, I probably saw him on Survival
19:25 <BadLag> Lol
19:25 <mikehail> yes surivval coop
19:25 <mikehail> is the only coop worth playing
19:25 <MP2E> How about the ring trick, do you know that one?
19:25 <BadLag> Indeed
19:26 <Cyberimp666> mmm brb
19:26 <mikehail> anyways i just wanted to let you know you are fools if you would lead a clan james leads
19:27 <mikehail> he is awesome made into sauce
19:27 <ARG_Vegeta> perhaps the clan could be saved if you start a poll to decide if James keeps in pro or not
19:27 <MP2E> keeps leaders?
19:27 <MP2E> or is in in general
19:27 <NzO> the only worthy leaders pro ever had were vegeta and cimm
19:27 <NzO> or whatever
19:27 <mikehail> vegeta is a gaywad and nobody cares
19:27 <ARG_Vegeta> gatwad?
19:28 <ARG_Vegeta> what's that?
19:28 <ARG_Vegeta> gaywad*
19:28 <mikehail> a wad of homosexuality
19:28 <ARG_Vegeta> so I'm a wad?
19:28 <mikehail> slow too apparently
19:28 <MP2E> getwad
19:29 <ARG_Vegeta> no, no, please explain
19:29 <ARG_Vegeta> english is not my first lenguage
19:29 <Totengott> mike = if you think pro is so amazing you shouldn't insult vegeta, he started pro
19:29 <mikehail> hmm how to explain
19:29 <mikehail> james is the best
19:29 <Totengott> with cimmerian
19:29 <Totengott> james just fails
19:30 <mikehail> thats really simply all there is
19:30 <ARG_Vegeta> james is in charge of marketing
19:30 <MP2E> heh
19:30 <Cyberimp666> back
19:30 <MP2E> this argument is turning repetitive
19:30 <Cyberimp666> hmm
19:31 <Cyberimp666> Vegeta - they left the clan, theres no point in voting
19:31 <ARG_Vegeta> you kicked them!
19:31 <ARG_Vegeta> you forced them to leave
19:31 <Totengott> pretty much
19:31 <Cyberimp666> they left on their own accordance
19:31 <Cyberimp666> as much as i'd like them to stay
19:31 <NzO> um
19:31 <ARG_Vegeta> there has to be someone left in pro to vote
19:31 <NzO> iono
19:31 <BadLag> Well, there's me, Hio and James
19:32 <ARG_Vegeta> lol
19:32 <BadLag> And I usually don't bother voting XD
19:32 <Cyberimp666> but with the way they've been acting its unlikely they would want back anyways
19:32 <MP2E> How did he force them out
19:32 <MP2E> he took leadership, they left
19:32 <MP2E> indirectly he forced them sure
19:32 <Cyberimp666> according to totengott "it isn't the same anymore"
19:32 <MP2E> but they could have just mutinied
19:33 <NzO> rofl
19:33 <NzO> mutinied XD
19:33 <Totengott> i don't agree with james taking over the leadership
19:33 <Totengott> it was a democracy and we should have voted
19:33 <mikehail> it was destiny
19:34 <MP2E> heh
19:34 <Totengott> whatever it was it's going to kill pro
19:34 <ClonedPickle> you could have voted, instead you all ragequit
19:34 <ClonedPickle> good job
19:35 <Cyberimp666> exactly
19:35 <mikehail> yes
19:35 <Aerial> james can i join pro? ill suck your cock!
19:36 <Aerial> lol
19:36 <Cyberimp666> mmm
19:36 <Cyberimp666> youre in XF though
19:36 <Totengott> people against it was de-moderated, we couldn't vote, or start polls
19:36 <ARG_Vegeta> wanna join ARG too?
19:36 <Aerial> i left xf
19:36 <MP2E> what
19:37 <Cyberimp666> hmm
19:37 <BadLag> Her ping's too low for ARG XD
19:37 <Aerial> no
19:37 <Aerial> ill download and make my ping go up~!
19:37 <BadLag> Well, nevermind XD
19:37 <Aerial> !
19:37 <BadLag> Lol
19:38 <BadLag> Or go back on the fail dialup
19:38 <Aerial> lol
19:38 <Aerial> very
19:38 <MP2E> now this conscerns me
19:38 <Totengott> badlag defending his girl
19:38 <MP2E> <Cyberimp666> youre in XF though
19:38 <Totengott> lol
19:38 <MP2E> <Totengott> people against it was de-moderated, we couldn't vote, or start polls
19:38 <MP2E> not the cyberimp part
19:38 <MP2E> the toten
19:38 <Cyberimp666> they left the clan, so they had no part
19:38 <Cyberimp666> like i said
19:38 <BadLag> @Toten: At least I have a girl to defend, online or otherwise
19:39 <Aerial> playing monopoly with my little cousin
19:39 <Aerial> kicking his ass again
19:39 <Aerial> XD
19:39 <BadLag> Lol

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:18 am by Cyberimp666

19:39 <Aerial> XD
19:39 <BadLag> Lol
19:39 <Totengott> you know nothing about me ghastly, shut up
19:39 <Cyberimp666> and those were the rules
19:39 <Cyberimp666> that we agreed on
19:39 <Totengott> the only thing in real life you have to defend is your fucking rooster
19:39 <Cyberimp666> no clan, no part
19:39 <Cyberimp666> and i'm not gonna change that
19:39 <BadLag> Aerial - The new CEO of Monopoly AIG
19:39 <Aerial> o.o
19:40 * Aerial steals money and flees the country
19:40 <Aerial> !
19:40 <BadLag> Lol
19:40 <BadLag> @Toten: Said rooster could kick your ass any day
19:40 <Totengott> sure
19:40 <MP2E> Heh
19:40 <MP2E> I had a girl
19:40 <MP2E> but i was dumb
19:40 <MP2E> so...
19:40 <MP2E>
19:40 <Totengott> i'd fucking eat it, lol
19:40 <Aerial> lol
19:40 <Aerial> mp2e
19:40 <Aerial> ill be yours
19:40 <BadLag> *Pats MP2E on the back*
19:40 <Aerial> cause im a whore
19:40 <MP2E> \o
19:40 <Aerial> !
19:41 <MP2E> yay
19:41 <BadLag> D:
19:41 <BadLag> XD
19:41 <Aerial> who wants a picture of my cooch!?
19:41 <Aerial> XD
19:41 <Cyberimp666> ghastly
19:41 <BadLag> Toten does
19:41 <Aerial> mp2e likes my boobs
19:41 <ClonedPickle> <+Aerial> who wants a picture of my kuchikitaichou!?
19:41 <Aerial>
19:41 <ClonedPickle> this is what I first thought
19:42 <MP2E> rofl
19:42 <BadLag> LOL
19:42 <MP2E> i want one plz
19:42 <Aerial> lol
19:45 <Cyberimp666> mmm
19:45 <Cyberimp666> I'll try n talk with em
19:45 <Cyberimp666> its all i can do at this point heh
19:55 <Cyberimp666> mmm brb
19:56 Mode change [-b TheBandit!*@*] on #[PRO] by BadLag
19:56 <ARG_Vegeta> I don't like how this looks like
19:56 <Totengott> he was banned O.o
19:56 <Totengott> wow this sucks
19:56 <ClonedPickle> after he left
19:56 <ARG_Vegeta> yet I can't stand James and this attitudes
19:56 <Totengott> ^
19:57 <mikehail> lol
19:57 <ARG_Vegeta> he had no right to de moderate you
19:57 <mikehail> james is leader
19:57 <Totengott> now he his
19:57 <Totengott> more a dictator than a leader
19:57 <ARG_Vegeta> leader isn't the same as boss
19:57 <MP2E> This is almost like an act of Julius Caeser, except, you didn't assassinate him
19:57 <ARG_Vegeta> and he pretend to be the boss
19:57 <Aerial> james is the boss!
19:58 <Aerial> biatch D:!
19:58 <Aerial> lol
19:58 <Totengott> you're the only "biatch" here
19:58 <BadLag> If you had to choose, who would you pick? ;P
19:58 <MP2E> rofl
19:58 <mikehail> james is the boss
19:58 <ARG_Vegeta> and there's not Asterix or Obelix to laugh with
19:58 <MP2E> I would pick me badlag
19:58 <MP2E> \o
19:58 <ARG_Vegeta> no*
19:59 Mode change [-bbbbbb *!*@pool-*-*-*-*.bstnma.east.verizon.net *!*@pool-71-*-*-*.bstnma.east.verizon.net *!*@pool-71-184-*-*.bstnma.east.verizon.net *!*@pool-71-184-41-71.bstnma.east.verizon.net *!*@pool-72-74-221-239.bstnma.east.verizon.net SysServ!*@*] on #[PRO] by BadLag
19:59 <MP2E> Wow
19:59 <MP2E> what
19:59 <mikehail> lol who is that
19:59 TheBandit has joined #[pro]
19:59 <MP2E> Why all the bans
19:59 <BadLag> There we go, Aerial's bands undone
19:59 <MP2E> Hi bandit
19:59 <MP2E> you should just proclaim your love now
19:59 <MP2E> but aerial doesn't believe in marriage sowwy
19:59 <MP2E> she likes relationships as open as her legs
20:00 <MP2E> right?
20:00 <MP2E> \o
20:00 Mode change [+v TheBandit] on #[PRO] by BadLag
20:00 <TheBandit> nah, i came to watch everything unravel
20:00 Odysseus_ has joined #[pro]
20:00 <BadLag> Maybe she hasn't found the right guy, yet ;P
20:00 Mode change [+v Odysseus_] on #[PRO] by BadLag
20:00 <Aerial> woo
20:00 <Aerial> you unbanned all my bans
20:00 <ARG_Vegeta> what about Ody, did he left PRO too?
20:00 <Aerial> win \o/
20:00 <BadLag> Yeah, he did
20:01 <TheBandit> cause he understands as well
20:01 <ARG_Vegeta> cuz you offered something before
20:01 <Cyberimp666> back
20:01 <Cyberimp666> ...wtf
20:01 <Cyberimp666> meh
20:01 ClonedPickle has quit IRC [Quit: ye olde quit message]
20:02 Jwarrier has joined #[pro]
20:02 Mode change [+v Jwarrier] on #[PRO] by BadLag
20:03 <NzO> so anyway james
20:03 <NzO> jessica and i were in the car last night
20:03 <MP2E> R invasion man
20:03 <Cyberimp666> ok
20:03 <NzO> yeah
20:03 <NzO> guess what?
20:03 <NzO> i jizzed all over her face
20:04 <Cyberimp666> you got aids?
20:04 <MP2E> rofl
20:04 <TheBandit> that's one way to stick it to em
20:05 <NzO> you know, it was funny that
20:05 <NzO> when i had my balls in her mouth
20:05 <NzO> and she was gurgling trying to speak
20:05 <BadLag> Sheesh, and you make fun of Aerial and I
20:05 <NzO> she said something about you
20:05 <NzO> but instead
20:06 <NzO> i got her to give me a rimjob
20:06 <Cyberimp666> so you wanted your ass licked
20:06 DoomshadoW has joined #[pro]
20:06 <Cyberimp666> nice
20:06 * Voicing DoomshadoW
20:06 Mode change [+v DoomshadoW] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
20:07 Mode change [+v DoomshadoW] on #[PRO] by BadLag
20:07 <mikehail> ahahaha
20:07 <NzO> so i told her about our days in school right haha
20:07 <mikehail> james sees reason
20:07 <oomshadoW> thx for double voice
20:07 CplFoley has joined #[PRO]
20:07 <MP2E> You guys are hitting pretty low blows
20:07 <Totengott> foley!
20:07 <MP2E> heh
20:07 <NzO> couldnt get it could ya?
20:07 <eathBRingeR> whats this about PRO going down
20:07 <eathBRingeR> this is bullshit
20:07 <eathBRingeR> fuck all you haters
20:07 <Totengott> no fuck you, james killed it

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:18 am by Cyberimp666

20:18 <ARG_Vegeta> I'm talking about James, not a country
20:18 <ARG_Vegeta> and I was part of the clan
20:18 <oomshadoW> james is from argentina too?
20:18 <mikehail> well you are part of arg now
20:18 <ARG_Vegeta> no
20:18 <mikehail> what right do you have to dictate anything to pro
20:18 <mikehail> none!
20:18 <X-Ray_> lol
20:19 <Cyberimp666> mmm
20:19 <ARG_Vegeta> I think I should start a clan with my name for ex pro to join
20:19 <Totengott> indeed
20:20 <oomshadoW> what will happen to arg
20:20 <Totengott> true pro was when you and cimmerian were in the clan
20:20 <MP2E> I remember those days
20:20 <MP2E> Well
20:20 <oomshadoW> cimmerian sux
20:20 <MP2E> the later half
20:20 <ARG_Vegeta> <Vegeta>Vegeta (pb) <Vegeta>Nzy <Vegeta>Totengott <Vegeta>Odisseus
20:20 <Totengott> james is just a faggot who always planned to take over it
20:20 <Totengott> doomshadow = you sux
20:20 <BadLag> Lol
20:20 <oomshadoW> i challange you to a survival tournament in utnt
20:20 <MP2E> The old roster
20:20 <MP2E> awwww
20:20 <Totengott> ajjaajjajajajajajajajajja
20:21 <MP2E> memories
20:21 <oomshadoW> step up or drown in your ego
20:21 <Totengott> you're the only one being egocentric
20:21 <Totengott> talking about stuff you don't know
20:21 <mikehail> Cyberimp666
20:21 <Cyberimp666> hm
20:21 <mikehail> are any of these guys actualyl in pro
20:21 <Cyberimp666> were
20:21 <mikehail> or are they all just whining scumbags who have nothing better to do
20:21 <mikehail> oh ok
20:22 <MP2E> It's odd to only see 2ops in here
20:22 <Cyberimp666> and the other
20:22 <MP2E> i was used to like 5
20:22 <Totengott> james fails, the only people supporting him is ghastly and hio
20:22 <ARG_Vegeta> hola francisco
20:22 <TheBandit> It's only going to be james and Ghastly at this rate
20:22 <ARG_Vegeta> estaba boludeando con lo de clan vegeta jaja
20:22 <TheBandit> forgot about hio
20:23 <oomshadoW> is pro going to engage in civil war
20:23 <X-Ray_> utnt?
20:23 <BadLag> Well, the best three members. Kind of fitting
20:23 <oomshadoW> if so cool
20:23 <Totengott> pro already died when we left
20:23 <X-Ray_> never heard of that
20:23 <MP2E> You guys should make ORP
20:23 <MP2E> and challenge each other
20:23 <MP2E> clanwar
20:23 <Totengott> actually, ruin, we should reform pro
20:23 <MP2E> hurr
20:23 <TheBandit> ghastly? good? wat?
20:23 <Totengott> with the old members
20:23 <MP2E> Degex ftw
20:23 <ARG_Vegeta> ya
20:23 <MP2E> i loved mah deg
20:23 <ARG_Vegeta> Paladin for the real win
20:23 <MP2E> <3
20:23 <Totengott> leave james and ghastly alone, they fail
20:24 <oomshadoW> nou
20:24 <BadLag> I could take you, 1v1
20:24 <Totengott> too bad you can't play
20:24 <TheBandit> Inbetween lag spikes?
20:24 <Totengott> go play with your rooster pet
20:24 <TheBandit> cause that match would take fuckin' forever
20:24 <oomshadoW> badlag you can use my net
20:24 <BadLag> I can play every now and then at the library a half-hour from my house. I friggin' own, then
20:24 <oomshadoW> gogogo
20:25 <BadLag> I'd rather use Aerial's
20:25 <TheBandit> I wouldnt
20:25 <oomshadoW> no it's verizon
20:25 <TheBandit> shit probably has herpes on it
20:25 <BadLag> Still better than sattelite
20:25 <oomshadoW> Vegeta sent every pc connected to this channel herpies
20:32 <NzO> what x-ray_
20:32 <Totengott> indeed
20:32 <NzO> ?
20:32 <TheBandit> It just took this long for things to get to this point
20:32 <MP2E> I wasn't notified at all... but i'm not in so that's expected
20:32 <Totengott> just see this people, doomshadow,alm,deathbringer
20:32 <Totengott> they all see james as the leader
20:32 <MP2E> Well right
20:32 <TheBandit> I know
20:32 <MP2E> people have seen Pro that way for a long time
20:32 Inviting BadLag to channel #[PRO]
20:32 -jade.fl.us.dal.net- Cyberimp666 invited BadLag into channel #[PRO]
20:32 <TheBandit> "James is the face of pro"
20:32 <TheBandit> what about the members
20:32 BadLag has joined #[PRO]
20:32 Mode change [+o BadLag] on #[PRO] by ChanServ
20:32 <TheBandit> or are they not important
20:33 <Aerial> james IS pro
20:33 <Totengott> james is more the ass of pro
20:33 <TheBandit> just james
20:33 <Aerial> duh
20:33 <TheBandit> james is the golden boy
20:33 <Aerial> o.O
20:33 <ARG_Vegeta> they're n00bs that joined skulltag way after the origins of PRO
20:33 <BadLag> Am I Pro?
20:33 <Totengott> you stfu aerial
20:33 <TheBandit> don't fuck with james
20:33 <Aerial>
20:33 <TheBandit> because even if we got no clue what's going on, we're gonna back him
20:33 <TheBandit> BECAUSE HE'S JAMES
20:33 <MP2E> Well
20:33 <TheBandit> ZOMFG
20:33 <MP2E> the competitive community sees James as the face of pro
20:33 <Totengott> that sucks
20:33 <TheBandit> then they have very shitty vision
20:34 <MP2E> When I left Pro way back, I wasn't recognized at all
20:34 <Totengott> becuase he's not pro
20:34 <MP2E> like
20:34 <Totengott> well, he is now
20:34 <MP2E> I was so angry
20:34 <MP2E> because no one cared at all
20:34 <MP2E> I was just some nub
20:34 <Totengott> i'm not recognized either, even though im a very old pro
20:34 <Totengott> but i don't really care
20:34 <Totengott> i had my friends in pro
20:34 <MP2E> \o
20:34 <Totengott> but not anymore
20:34 <MP2E>
20:34 <Aerial> your not recognized cause you suck totengott
20:34 <Aerial> duh
20:34 <Aerial> facking nub
20:34 <MP2E> heh
20:34 <Odysseus_> I'm making PRO's new banner lolz

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:19 am by Cyberimp666

20:34 <TheBandit> All they see is the up front shit
20:34 <MP2E> then how am I recognized Aerial
20:35 <MP2E> dumb luck
20:35 <MP2E> ya
20:35 <TheBandit> never what really goes on
20:35 <Aerial> mp2e
20:35 <Odysseus_> Toten - yours sucked, lacked creativity
20:35 <Aerial> thats cause you suck everyones dick
20:35 <Odysseus_> !
20:35 <MP2E> WEEEE
20:35 <MP2E> but they are sooo shiny aerial
20:35 <MP2E> i can't resist
20:35 <Totengott> Aerial: And you're recognized for being Skulltag's whore
20:35 <Aerial> so?
20:36 <Aerial>
20:36 <Totengott> so you fail
20:36 MP2E has quit IRC [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:39 <TheBandit> and what are you going to do with bojan?
20:39 -jade.fl.us.dal.net- BadLag invited MP2E into channel #[PRO]
20:39 MP2E has joined #[pro]
20:39 * Voicing MP2E
20:39 Mode change [+v MP2E] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
20:39 <BadLag> Me? Nothing
20:40 <MP2E> there we go
20:40 <TheBandit> kick her because you have no need for a euro player?
20:40 <Totengott> lol
20:40 <BadLag> Oh, that's what you mean XD
20:40 <Totengott> probably they already did
20:40 <Aerial> ;o
20:40 <MP2E> Don't kick bojy
20:40 <ARG_Vegeta>
20:40 <MP2E> she's my sexfriend
20:40 <BadLag> Uh oh, Ody vs MP fight
20:40 <BadLag> GOGOGO
20:40 <Aerial> lol
20:40 <MP2E> ya
20:41 <MP2E> let's do it
20:41 <MP2E> \o
20:41 <Cyberimp666> heh
20:41 <BadLag> I'll be sure to send Boj the log for this fight
20:41 <Aerial> wait
20:41 <Cyberimp666> Bojan > you
20:41 <Aerial> dont fight till im baked
20:41 <Aerial> D:!
20:41 <Aerial> lol
20:41 <MP2E> true
20:41 <BadLag> XD
20:41 <Cyberimp666> and why are you taking this further than it was
20:42 <X-Ray_> guys
20:42 <TheBandit> because these issues obviously need to be addressed
20:42 <X-Ray_> just make up and be friends
20:43 <MP2E> i can tell x-ray
20:43 <MP2E> this is gonna last a while.
20:43 <X-Ray_> don't hate
20:43 <Cyberimp666> fine
20:43 <Cyberimp666> what is it you want
20:43 <X-Ray_> let's all love
20:43 <X-Ray_> <3
20:43 <BadLag> "<Totengott> Ghastly: go fuck your router while you think about this slut" I don't think about her as an object, like that
20:43 <X-Ray_> what happened in the first place
20:43 <X-Ray_> eh
20:43 <TheBandit> how would bojan fit in your totalitarianism
20:43 <Cyberimp666> that makes no sense
20:44 <Totengott> lol ghasly, gtfo
20:44 <Totengott> you can't even have a real life girl
20:44 <BadLag> You first
20:44 <TheBandit> it makes perfect sense
20:44 <Cyberimp666> how so
20:44 <BadLag> Haven't seriously been looking for one
20:44 <BadLag> Probably won't until I finish college
20:44 <Totengott> the only thing you can have is your godamn animals
20:44 <Totengott> you fail
20:45 <TheBandit> well, if we obviously don't fit the bill. how will bojan fair
20:45 <MP2E> You guys are really out for blood, heh. I didn't even do this when I was kicked from LF
20:45 <MP2E> I pretty much said "FU" and left quietly
20:45 <Cyberimp666> some people hold grudges MP
20:45 <MP2E> I'm not saying I wasn't angry as fuck
20:46 <MP2E> nor that I didn't try to take revenge
20:46 <MP2E> but I didn't start talking about Tenchu's girlfriend or anything
20:46 <MP2E> heh
20:46 <MP2E> (or lack of one in this case)
20:46 <Odysseus_> Haha
20:46 <Totengott> lol
20:46 <BadLag> XD
20:47 <TheBandit> when your quiet little democratic clan goes through silent yet hostile take-over (or attempt there of). it brings up some questions
20:47 <Aerial> ok
20:47 <Aerial> smoking a joint
20:47 <Aerial> now fight
20:47 <Aerial> gogogo
20:47 <TheBandit> you do that
20:47 <BadLag> XD
20:48 <MP2E> Well right
20:48 <BadLag> Want us to fight over you?
20:48 <MP2E> when you're the FIRST ONE IN A CLAN
20:48 <Odysseus_> Okay
20:48 <MP2E> that you've been in for 3 GENERATIONS
20:48 <Odysseus_> Everyone
20:48 <MP2E> and followed that fool around
20:48 <MP2E> on a string
20:48 <Odysseus_> New banner for pro
20:48 <Odysseus_> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:48 <MP2E> and convinced him to remake LF
20:48 <Cyberimp666> do i dare
20:48 <MP2E> and supported him
20:48 <MP2E> Then you get kicked
20:48 <MP2E> how do you feel?
20:48 <MP2E> heh?
20:48 <BadLag> LOL
20:49 <TheBandit> nicely put
20:49 <MP2E> lol
20:49 <MP2E> heh
20:49 <MP2E> Oh yeah, might I mention that along with being kicke
20:49 <MP2E> d
20:49 <MP2E> you get told that you suck ass
20:49 <Cyberimp666> ...
20:49 <Cyberimp666> no
20:49 <Cyberimp666> just no
20:49 <MP2E> "Me and RussianDumbass agreed that you fail at Skulltag"
20:49 <TheBandit> you suck ass?
20:49 <TheBandit> that just sounds unpleasent
20:49 <MP2E> That's what i got from Tenchu
20:50 <MP2E> That thing up there
20:50 <MP2E> I'm just saying, could be worse. heh
20:50 <MP2E> >_>
20:51 * MP2E shuffles back into his corner
20:51 Odysseus_ was kicked from #[PRO] by Cyberimp666 (sigh, that was uncalled for)

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:19 am by Cyberimp666

20:51 <TheBandit> See?
20:51 <TheBandit> speak your mind, you get the boot
20:51 <TheBandit> Don't defy the james
20:51 <MP2E> i'm speaking my mind and i'm not getting the boot
20:51 <TheBandit> you will
20:51 <TheBandit> just wait
20:51 <MP2E> ok
20:52 <Cyberimp666> well then
20:52 <TheBandit> well maybe not
20:52 <Cyberimp666> apparently you guys want my blood
20:52 <TheBandit> James might slither his way into R
20:52 <TheBandit> he might keep you around
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <ARG_Vegeta> Keo fails
20:52 <Totengott> https://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v389/facehead300/?action=view¤t=PRO.jpg
20:52 <MP2E> Oh
20:52 Totengott was kicked from #[PRO] by BadLag
20:52 [441] Totengott #[PRO] They aren't on that channel
20:52 <MP2E> that's a picture of keo?
20:52 <Cyberimp666> beat me to it
20:52 <MP2E> lol.
20:52 <TheBandit> yes, that's keo
20:53 <MP2E> You should put my face on there
20:53 <MP2E> \o
20:53 <ARG_Vegeta> you can see an enhaced version of that photo on the 2bitduel.wad first map
20:53 <BadLag> LOL
20:54 <Cyberimp666> mmm
20:55 <ARG_Vegeta> I still don't like the idea of PRO falling
20:55 <ARG_Vegeta> :'-(
20:55 <TheBandit> nothing we can do about that now
20:55 <BadLag> Neither do I
20:55 <Cyberimp666> starting to think
20:56 <Cyberimp666> me being in this clan is causing the drama
20:56 <TheBandit> if ya did that more often, we wouldn't be in this situation
20:56 <Cyberimp666> hmm
20:57 <ARG_Vegeta> you can always start your own clan James, or joine an existing clan
20:57 <TheBandit> clan has dwindled down to 3 members in the matter of one night.
20:57 <TheBandit> 4, forgot about hio
20:58 <Cyberimp666> if i leave, its more than likely that hio will follow
20:58 <BadLag> James leaving won't really bring everyone back, will it?
20:58 <MP2E> Welp. This officially beats the first Exodus
20:58 <MP2E> by a lot.
20:58 <BadLag> Then it's down to me and Boj, if nobody comes back xD
20:58 <BadLag> XD*
20:58 <TheBandit> what will you do
20:58 <BadLag> And Aerial doesn't like that idea O.o
20:58 <Cyberimp666> ...
20:58 <BadLag> ;P
20:58 <ARG_Vegeta> she might join and make a trio
20:58 <TheBandit> i doubt aerial is too high to give a shit
20:59 <MP2E> lol
21:00 <Cyberimp666> Ghastly, I'd like to talk in PM really quick
21:03 <ARG_Vegeta> you can always join clan <Vegeta> if things go wrong
21:03 <BadLag> Lol
21:03 <TheBandit> final flash?
21:03 <ARG_Vegeta> final spam
21:04 <TheBandit> oic
21:04 <BadLag> Fina-
21:04 <BadLag> XD
21:04 Inviting Metalhead^ to channel #[PRO]
21:04 -redemption.ix.us.dal.net- Cyberimp666 invited Metalhead^ into channel #[PRO]
21:04 Metalhead^ has joined #[pro]
21:04 * Voicing Metalhead^
21:04 Mode change [+v Metalhead^] on #[PRO] by Cyberimp666
21:04 <Metalhead^> Wtf is going on
21:05 <NzO> none of your damn business
21:05 <MP2E> heh
21:05 <Metalhead^> ...ooook
21:06 <BadLag> This is the part when NzO gets his head cut off
21:06 <TheBandit> indeed
21:06 <TheBandit> pro is split half and half on how things should be done.
21:06 <TheBandit> acutally, more then half have walked out already
21:07 <Cyberimp666> Gonna take a shower, I'll be back in a few.
21:07 <Metalhead^> How about taking the pole out of your ass and telling me why you're so aggitated
21:07 <MP2E> bye
21:07 <TheBandit> actually*
21:07 <BadLag> They feel James took over the clan
21:08 <TheBandit> james and ghastly are currently discussing something
21:08 <TheBandit> won't tell us
21:08 <BadLag> 23:14 <Cyberimp666> Gonna take a shower, I'll be back in a few.
21:08 <Metalhead^> I was a little concerned...I don't want to see PRO die.
21:08 <ARG_Vegeta> the continuity of PRO I bet
21:08 <TheBandit> well, we have to wait now since james is off doing his shower
21:08 <TheBandit> i had the same thought vegeta
21:11 DoomshadoW has quit IRC [Read error: Operation timed out]
21:11 <TheBandit> good, he was annoying anyway
21:14 <ARG_Vegeta> well, I gtg, I hope this to be solved well
21:14 <ARG_Vegeta> cyas
21:15 ARG_Vegeta has quit IRC [Quit: Quitting]
21:15 <BadLag> See ya
21:16 <mikehail> Cyberimp666
21:16 <BadLag> He's afk
21:17 <mikehail> blast
21:17 <mikehail> badlag
21:17 <BadLag> ?
21:17 <mikehail> can u invite shakal
21:17 Shakal has joined #[pro]
21:17 CplFoley has quit IRC [Ping timeout]
21:17 Mode change [+v Shakal] on #[PRO] by BadLag
21:17 <mikehail> k
21:17 <Shakal> o/
21:17 <mikehail> \o
21:18 <MP2E> shak \o
21:18 <X-Ray_> \o/
21:19 <NzO> EAT COCK O/
21:20 NzO has quit IRC [Quit: Sleep Paralysis]
21:20 <TheBandit> no thanks
21:26 <MP2E> All quiet on the western front

-- after this the log cut off, but Ghastly and I had made a decision, and with a very dramatic ending, the clan had been killed at 11:46 P.M. on March 31st.

MP2E was deeply struck by this the most, so in MSN, we decided to target him as priority. Metalhead was rather saddened, but we shall get to her later.

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:19 am by Cyberimp666

APRIL 1ST, 2009


The moment of truth was near, as we had discussed the incident, and the damage done.

Now, finding out how to end it, was the final step in pulling the prank.

The following chat logs were from MSN, and were discussed as to how we would finish the prank.

This one was currently discussing the damage

(3:57 PM) Hioshen: I Dunno if I wish I Was in the disclan chat last night or not o.O
(3:57 PM) THE NZY: oh yes hio
you wish you were
(3:57 PM) Hioshen: lol
(3:57 PM) Ruin: it was funny
and you know what makes it even better?
Mp2e posted in the april fools thread
and totally believes it
(3:58 PM) Hioshen: lol?
(3:58 PM) THE NZY: rofl
(3:58 PM) Sebastian: yeah
(3:58 PM) Ruin: he was giving james advice on what to do next
either join R or go clanless
i think
(3:58 PM) Sebastian: we convinced him that it was true lol
(3:58 PM) Ruin: roflzzzzzz
(3:58 PM) THE NZY: haha
(3:58 PM) James: ya lol
3:59 PM) THE NZY: he rat me out : <
he told james my joining r was fake
(3:59 PM) Sebastian: on a private convo i told him what james "did" and all that shit
and he totally agreed with me
then he goes and support james on a private convo too lol
(3:59 PM) THE NZY: XD
(3:59 PM) Ruin: i know
(3:59 PM) James: he has no idea what to do lol
(3:59 PM) Ruin: i lul'd
(3:59 PM) THE NZY: haha
(4:00 PM) Ruin: ha, you know what
(4:00 PM) THE NZY: we should bring mp2e into our arguement
like just get him involved
without telling him whats going on
(4:00 PM) James: haha
"whose side are you on nub"
(4:01 PM) THE NZY: XD
(4:01 PM) Ruin: we should get him in here. and keep acting. tell him that we need to settle it in a server. set up a server called something retarded. knowing mp2e, he will blab to everyone, and then keep arguing...like hardcore... then james goes at the end of everything "there is only one thing i need to say to you all....APRIL FOOLS" then everyone put tags back on and roflzzzzz
(4:02 PM) THE NZY:
(4:02 PM) Ruin: cept nzy
cause he's nub and left
(4:02 PM) THE NZY: rofl
(4:02 PM) Ruin: Ruin sent a sound: Horde
(4:02 PM) James: wtf
(4:02 PM) Sebastian: lol
(4:02 PM) Ruin: xD
(4:02 PM) James: lol
(4:06 PM) Ruin: lul boko
he still wants people to vote despite that pro is "dead"
(4:06 PM) THE NZY: hahaha
(4:07 PM) James: rofl
(4:07 PM) Hioshen: lol
(4:07 PM) James: poor boko
(4:07 PM) Sebastian: i voted today
becuase i was bored
(4:08 PM) Ruin: boko was like "its either pro or i quit skulltag"
(4:08 PM) Sebastian: lol
(4:08 PM) Ruin: WE BOTH WIN
(4:08 PM) THE NZY: that guy has been desperate for pro since it was created
(4:08 PM) THE NZY: or since i joined
(4:08 PM) Ruin: well, he is probably desperate for a life too
(4:08 PM) THE NZY: one of the 2
(4:08 PM) Ruin: who gets a chocobo with a dude riding it tattoo'd on their arm
(4:08 PM) THE NZY: XD
(4:09 PM) Sebastian: who gets a chocobo with a dude riding it tattoo'd on their arm --> rly? XD
(4:09 PM) Ruin: yes
(4:09 PM) James: oh my
(4:09 PM) THE NZY: yeah
its cloud from ff7
(4:11 PM) Hioshen: lol
(4:11 PM) James: wait
oh shit.is that hail
(4:11 PM) Hioshen: mkay
(4:11 PM) Ruin: http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/43/l_1228033f9bd54dec94ddd365304d3470.jpg
he got the kanji for boko tattoo'd as well
yeah, i totally want the word that means "nose" on my arm
(4:13 PM) James: uh guys
(4:13 PM) Hioshen: James is under heavy snow D:
(4:13 PM) James: you know how in april its supposed to be spring?
(4:14 PM) James: well
(4:14 PM) Ruin: yeah...
(4:14 PM) James: god just said april fools to me
(4:14 PM) THE NZY: XD
(4:09 PM) Ruin: a chocobo is a giant chicken, right?
(4:09 PM) THE NZY: yeah lol

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:20 am by Cyberimp666

The following discusses the final steps and conversation that took place before the final showdown.

6:14 PM) James: time is growing thin
(6:14 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(6:14 PM) THE NZY: orly?
(6:14 PM) Ruin: what do you want to do
(6:14 PM) James: very
(6:14 PM) THE NZY: time is growing fat for me
(6:14 PM) Ruin: rufl
(6:14 PM) Hioshen: be away on xbox halo 3
(6:14 PM) Ruin: gimme them damn potato chips
(6:14 PM) THE NZY: XD
(6:14 PM) Ody: lolol
(6:15 PM) THE NZY: they be tortilla chips
(6:15 PM) Ody: homework fools
(6:15 PM) James: we could do the server style with mp2e for one
(6:15 PM) Ruin: F yo homework
(6:15 PM) James: but if we do i need a good wad to host
(6:15 PM) THE NZY: equinox : >
(6:15 PM) Ruin: stctf
(6:15 PM) Ody: igpack
(6:16 PM) Ruin: usually draws people in
or proctf
(6:16 PM) THE NZY: !
(6:16 PM) James: oh?
hmm, i need link since it was del'd of my pc
(6:16 PM) Ody has left the conversation.
(6:16 PM) Ruin: could either call it, "pro's farewell party" or something
(6:16 PM) James: i'll think of something
(6:16 PM) Ruin: k
(6:17 PM) Ruin: hmm
host something mostly everyone has already
i don't have the link and fiend is gone
(6:17 PM) James: udm3 NS deathmatch?
(6:17 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(6:17 PM) Ruin: gvh
(6:17 PM) James: haha
(6:17 PM) James: hmm, well hio n ody are busy at the time
so when those 2 are ready well start up
(6:22 PM) THE NZY: lol theres a hide and seek lms now?
(6:22 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(6:23 PM) THE NZY: is it any fun?
(6:23 PM) James: there is?
(6:23 PM) THE NZY: ya
(6:23 PM) James: haha nzy
(6:23 PM) THE NZY: look at the players list
(6:23 PM) James: remember our "hide and seek"?
(6:23 PM) THE NZY: yus : >
(6:23 PM) James: in stctf
who was all there
(6:23 PM) THE NZY: i think tot was
i dont remember who was there lol
(6:23 PM) James: o well,
was still fun
(6:24 PM) THE NZY: yeah haha
(6:24 PM) James: O/
(6:24 PM) THE NZY: \O
(6:24 PM) James: ima try hiden seek
(6:28 PM) Hioshen: back
(6:28 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(6:28 PM) Hioshen: what
I wanna play damit!
(6:28 PM) Ruin: olololol
(6:28 PM) Hioshen: FUck HALO HIDE N SEEK FTW
(6:30 PM) Ruin: lawl
(6:33 PM) THE NZY: lol i think cplfoley got the conficker virus
(6:40 PM) Ruin: yeah, hes got it
what a nub
7:23 PM) Ruin: xD
(7:23 PM) Ruin: Sent a sound: TG-Lucky it wasnt hard
(7:23 PM) James: rofl
Nzy, what?
(7:23 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(7:24 PM) Ruin: IDE
Itz brokedd
(7:24 PM) James: AGAINZ?
(7:24 PM) THE NZY: im to scared to see if its dead for me to
if i open it
(7:24 PM) James: OH
(7:24 PM) THE NZY: i will get raped with lag again
(7:24 PM) James: yeah it brokez
(7:24 PM) Ruin: i blame keo
(7:25 PM) THE NZY: me to
and metal
and conficker
(7:25 PM) Ruin: Ruin sent a sound: keo solo
(7:25 PM) THE NZY: O/
(7:25 PM) Ruin: \o
(7:25 PM) Sebastian: XD
i completely forgot about that solo jaja
(7:25 PM) THE NZY: haha
(7:25 PM) Sebastian: we should have a pro theme song with that solo

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:20 am by Cyberimp666

The following takes place at the exact moment the final showdown happened.

Please take caution.

(8:49 PM) James: OK PEOPLEZ
(8:49 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(8:49 PM) Lanuga: ?
(8:49 PM) James: haha
(8:49 PM) Ody: whos mp2e
(8:49 PM) Ruin: yeah, good to go
8:49 PM) James: alright
ima invite em im
(8:50 PM) THE NZY: wait what are we doing?
(8:50 PM) Hioshen: mkay
(8:50 PM) James: fake the final fight in here
(8:50 PM) Ody: Ody sent a sound: AVGN - GAMEOVER 1
(8:50 PM) THE NZY: o shit son
(8:50 PM) Ody: Ody sent a sound: AVGN - GAMEOVER 2
(8:50 PM) Ruin: Ruin sent a sound: Die Clown
(8:50 PM) Cray has been added to the conversation.
(8:50 PM) THE NZY: i dont fuckin care
(8:50 PM) James: wait
(8:50 PM) Ody: Ody sent a sound: GAME OVER YEAAAAAAAAAH
(8:50 PM) Ruin: Fuck you!
(8:50 PM) James: wtf
(8:50 PM) THE NZY: you think youre the shit when your not
(8:50 PM) Cray: hey sexies
(8:50 PM) James: why is cray here
(8:50 PM) Cray: i love you <3
(8:50 PM) James: meh fuck it
(8:50 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: Fuck
(8:50 PM) Cray: idk why i'm in here
but you're all hawt
(8:50 PM) Ruin: we need a witness
(8:51 PM) James: so
(8:51 PM) THE NZY: you act like you run the place but your just another bullshitter
(8:51 PM) James: seb told me you were on his side
(8:51 PM) James: who's side are you on then
(8:51 PM) Ruin: Yeah, good question
first you back toten
(8:51 PM) Cray: come on you guys
(8:51 PM) Ruin: and then you back james
(8:51 PM) Cray: seriously
(8:51 PM) Ruin: which is it
(8:51 PM) Cray: lol!
come on guys
pro is dead
james has stepped down
(8:51 PM) James: apparently they don't care
(8:51 PM) THE NZY: bullshit
(8:51 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: ^
(8:51 PM) Cray: Join RED guys
(8:51 PM) Hioshen: *strangles NZY*
(8:51 PM) Cray: it's ST's DX
(8:51 PM) Ruin: fuck red
(8:52 PM) James: and they think my 'nub' clan is a joke
(8:52 PM) Cray: rofl
(8:52 PM) Hioshen: ...
(8:52 PM) Cray: James
(8:52 PM) James: what
(8:52 PM) Cray: you have a new clan?
(8:52 PM) James: yeah me n hio
(8:52 PM) Ruin: its the worst mountain dew ever
(8:52 PM) Cray: Oooh
(8:52 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(8:52 PM) Cray: Nice.
(8:52 PM) Hioshen: NUB FTW
(8:52 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: FFS DOOMFIEND
(8:52 PM) James: O/
(8:52 PM) Hioshen: \O
(8:52 PM) Ruin: fuck fiend
(8:52 PM) James: and now these guys have that Tl or whatever clan it is
(8:52 PM) THE NZY: heh james and hio
(8:52 PM) James: its like T and TR all over again
(8:52 PM) THE NZY: the 2 gay butt buddies
(8:52 PM) Ruin: ikr
(8:52 PM) Cray: I know James

(8:52 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: <PRO>Aceofsleep pgup
(8:52 PM) Cray: so much hate
(8:53 PM) Ruin: You know what?
I think we need to settle this shit
(8:53 PM) James: fine
(8:53 PM) Cray: what the hell is being settle
(8:53 PM) James: hio
(8:53 PM) Cray: seriously
(8:53 PM) James: heres the deal
(8:53 PM) Cray: what the fuck is being settled by this
(8:53 PM) Hioshen: I agree with the man there
(8:53 PM) Cray: James made a clan
(8:53 PM) Hioshen: yes?
(8:53 PM) Cray: you're not in the clan
(8:53 PM) James: i'm gonna start a caln
(8:53 PM) Cray: you were never in the clan
(8:53 PM) James: and it will be a fair clan
(8:53 PM) Cray: so why are you fighting him
(8:53 PM) James: deal?
(8:53 PM) Cray: heh
(8:53 PM) Ruin: why?
8:54 PM) Ruin: because this is the man that single handely destroyed the greatest clan in skulltag
(8:54 PM) Cray: :/
He's already lost mates
he lost his good friends on ST
(8:54 PM) Ruin: and a lot of fucking respect

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:21 am by Cyberimp666

(8:54 PM) Cray: so what more cna you possibley take
(8:55 PM) James: mm
(8:55 PM) Cray: Like I said, i'm fine with all of you
(8:55 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(8:55 PM) James: here we go agian
(8:55 PM) Cray: But this is getting kinda silly
(8:55 PM) Cray: PRO died, yes, that was bad and wrong
James was a bit too ambitious too fast, but still you have to remember that you also contributed
(8:56 PM) Cray: Clans do not die by one man
nor are arguments had by one
(8:56 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: THEY DO LOOK AT LF
(8:56 PM) THE NZY: you know what, what james clan
(8:56 PM) Cray: LF didn't die by one guy
(8:56 PM) Hioshen: lol
(8:56 PM) Cray: everyone left
(8:56 PM) THE NZY: hes lucky i dont go over and kick his ass right now
(8:56 PM) THE NZY: james, wtf man
you and i in highschool
we were best friends
(8:56 PM) Ruin: lets go to fuckin stctf like, right now.
(8:57 PM) THE NZY: why the fuck would you go behind my back and fuck me over?
you fucking coward
no wonder jessica left you
fuck man
(8:57 PM) Cray: you knew him in real life?
(8:57 PM) Cray: I didn't know that nzy
(8:57 PM) James: damn
(8:57 PM) THE NZY: i dont need this fuckin shit man
fuck you james
(8:57 PM) THE NZY: really man
(8:57 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: can I have it then?
(8:58 PM) Cray: *sigh*
I see my words do not move you
(8:58 PM) THE NZY: i fuckin trusted you with everything bro
(8:58 PM) THE NZY has left the conversation.
(8:58 PM) Cray: well... one thing I forsee
(8:58 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(8:58 PM) James: heh
(8:58 PM) Cray: there's gonna be a lot of competition in the future
I know it
(8:58 PM) James: if you want to settle this then
lets duel
(8:58 PM) Ruin: where
lets do this shit
(8:58 PM) James: prove to me that you are what you say
TT, duel16, Greenwar 20
(8:59 PM) James: or do i make you nervous?
(8:59 PM) Ruin: ha
(8:59 PM) Ruin: I may be out of it, but i know i can whoop your sorry ass
(8:59 PM) James: please
you're all talk
lets go then
(8:59 PM) Cray: god damnit you guys
You used to be after me for talking shit
(9:00 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: BLOW ME MP2E
(9:00 PM) Cray: look at you
(9:00 PM) <PRO>Aceofsleep: God so out dated :\
(9:00 PM) Ruin: we're doing this now.
come and watch if you want
(9:00 PM) James: yes
(9:00 PM) Ruin: bring all the motherfuckers you can
(9:00 PM) James: watch this noob get beat
(9:00 PM) Cray: Ok
I'll just spectate
(9:00 PM) Cray: no one is listening to me anyway

(9:02 PM) James: I'm in
(9:02 PM) Cloud Strife: Cloud Strife auto-message: work
(9:02 PM) James: where are you?
(9:02 PM) James: oh i see...
so thats how it is

And so, the brave Ruin fought the ferocious James to a duel to 25 at Greenwar map 20. There was a lot of boasting at the start, and even in game, small comments after each death. James took the lead, making the score 21 - 19. Ruin out of no where caught up, but wasnt enough, leading the score to become 24 to 23, James' favor. However Ruin pulled a quick save and pulled the game to a 24-24 tie. It was at this point that James decided to talk. The conversation went something like so.

<James> I guess I underestimated you...tell you what, I'll make you a deal.
<Ruin> I'm listening.
<James> How about we put all of this stupidity behind us, start fresh.
<Ruin> What do you have in mind?
<James> Well...what if we started a new clan, based on true democracy this time, and maybe bring back our friendship. I'll even let you name the clan.
<Ruin> Hmm, give me a second.
*Ruin is now known as <PRO>Ruin*
<Ruin> How's that?
<James> Sounds like a good name.
<MP2E> .....
*James is now known as <PRO>James*
*Hioshen is now known as <PRO>Hioshen*
<MP2E> You guys suck. I really thought PRO was going to die.
<James> Sorry MP, you fell for it the most so we kinda zoned in on you. Oh and by the way, APRIL FOOLS MP!

Meanwhile back in MSN.

(9:31 PM) Cray: rofl
you guys are sick
esp you nzy
you're sick man
(9:31 PM) THE NZY: oahi
wait what?
(9:32 PM) Ruin: dude
it was beautiful
(9:32 PM) THE NZY: rofl
(9:32 PM) Ruin: James was like BISH
and i was like FOO'
then we dueled
(9:32 PM) THE NZY: haha
(9:32 PM) Ruin: tied at 24
then he's like
tell you what
lets start over, make a new clan
(9:33 PM) Ruin: run democractically
and i'll let you pick the name
> picks <pro>ruin
how's that
(9:33 PM) THE NZY: o/
(9:33 PM) Ruin: mp: BAWWWWWWW
(9:34 PM) THE NZY: : >
(9:34 PM) Ruin: it was funny
should have been there
(9:34 PM) THE NZY: sp3 is still installing

And so, MP2E went on, and we had our laughs for the whole day.

Eventually NzO apologized to Metalhead for his comment, and Metal came in to the recovered #[PRO] channel, and told us never to do that again. She really thought the clan had died.

We managed to pull a lot of players into believing this, and in turn, took a big risk in creating enemies. Luckily, none were made, and we all had a great laugh, and a hell of a good time doing it.

I HIGHLY doubt that any other clan could pull this stunt off, and I know we wont be able to do this for a very long time.

So there is the story, and a great story this was.
This one will be remembered by us for a long time, and hopefully future PRO's can look at this, and see exactly how a real clan based on friendship can work together to pull off such events.

We are the PRO, and nothing can ever change that.

--==End Logfile==--
Logfile end time - 1:48 A.M.

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Post 22nd March 2010, 12:23 am by Cyberimp666

Quote by Ruin:

Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street DOOM0081-1

Proville 3: Nightmare on #[PRO] Street DOOM0082-1

that's all mp2e had to say..."shit..." GG's

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